
Boswell High School Senior | Maddie

This session has been hiding in one of my hard drives for a bit, I really need to get on this blogging thing! Meet Maddie, she's the oldest of 8 siblings and the only girl! She requested a creek to complement her gorgeous bohemian inspired dresses, so a creek we found and I just love how her session turned out. Maddie was referred to me by one of my sweet clients Melanie, she just recently started photography herself and is doing amazing (you can check out her work here)! This was an emotional one for me. I've fought back tears at weddings before and now I'll add senior sessions to the list. Maddie's mom Hilda tagged along and I watched her emotions unfold while the realization sank in that her baby girl is growing up, her princess is graduating. I've been battling this all year myself as my kiddo, my oldest baby boy just accomplished this amazing goal himself. I can't tell you how many times I look at his face and in that instant 17 years just flash by in front of my eyes. Thank you Maddie and Hilda for sharing and letting me document such a wonderful and special time in your lives. Congratulations on your graduation today!!!! <3


North Side High School Senior | Odalys

This beauty will be walking across the stage tomorrow! So I just had to jump on and share some of my favorites from her session. Odalys is the 2016 Senior Class VP at North Side High School. I first met her a few months back during one of her bffs Adri's senior session and was thrilled when she contacted me for a photo shoot. Like Adri she shares a love for cosmetology and has been busy planning for her senior trip to Spain (super exciting!) this summer. Congrats on your big day tomorrow!! And good luck at Texas Tech this fall <3

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